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[Express 19] I guess (that) S + V [Express 19] I guess (that) S + V I guess (that) he is my new teacher.I can't b sure if it's expensive or not. (30~40%) I guess (that) is a mole on the back of a person. what do you (think) guess about korea's economy after 10 years? he think (that) korea's economy will go down?
[Express 18] I'm planing to = be going to + V [Express 18] I'm planning to + V~ * you are planning to do something ( now a days/ these days) MON TUES WED THURS FRI PAST NOW 예전 부터 생각한 계획. >I plan to now I'm planning to go to Boracay. ( already planned but not completed)
[Express 17]It seems (that) + S + V [Express 17] It seems (that) + S + V looks (I think)It seems (that) She is angry.It looks (that) She is angry.= guess= your opinion. may be she is angry. PASTIt seemed that she was angry last week. looked seem☆ look + adj. = you look tired.ex) This book looks easy. Mr. Smith, looked worried last night. look like + NOUN.(resemblance) She looks like Angelina Jolie.My friend looks like my sister. ☆..
[Express 16] (SUBJECT) HAVE TIME TO + V [Express 16] (SUBJECT) HAVE TIME TO + V (do something)meaning : there is enough time to do something. ex) Roy has time to eat snack at 10:30.present (because it's his vacant).students don't have time to do their homework at nitght. ex) I am hungrypast - negativeI didn't have time to eat breakfast.because I work up late. (wake up)On weekdays, student don't have enough time to drink.but they will ..
[Express 15] I don't feel like + V-ing [Express 15] I don't feel like + V-ing=> I don't feel like swimming = noun gerund = 동명사I'm not in the mood to + (Base Form) swing I don't like to swing (this time today) prepare food, cook food (o)cook food (o) make + meals 4 pattern breakfast lunch dinner meaning : cook idiom go all out = no limit my exampleI don't feel like doing my homework because today is my first time and I am tired. becau..
[MAY 22][Express 14] ON THE WAY TO + N [MAY 22][Express 14] ON THE WAY TO + N. place destination [---------------|---------------------------------------]A+ I'm on the way to 7/11 한국 I'm on (the) way to La union. my place destination.
[MAY 16][Express 13] I'LL CHECK IF + S + V [MAY 16][Express 13] I'LL CHECK IF + S + V see situation. find out know Where is your room mate? I don't know. I'll check if my room mate. is in our room Do you have extra money?I'll check my card if I have come extra money. enough money. I'll check if my teacher is absent.I'll check if I eat in the dining room. I'll check weather my mom sent a messageor notI'll check if my mom sent a message. I..
[MAY 16][Express 11] such a/an + adjective + noun [MAY 16][Express 11] such a/an + adjective + noun => to some extent => very/so = adjdescribing (people) the subject. F4 group is such a famous drama. s adj noun F4 is a famous drama.F4 is famous. she is cute.she is so cute.she is such a cute girl. she is so tall.(o)she is so tall women(x)she is such a tall women(o) Italy is such a beautiful country. My friends is such a funny people(x)