영어/Basic Grammar in use (36) 썸네일형 리스트형 UNIT 46 : WH QUESTION => NORMAL PATTERN or OTHER PATTERN. UNIT 46 : WH QUESTION => NORMAL PATTERN or OTHER PATTERN.WH QUESTION => NORMAL PATTERN. WH + SimpleWH + H.V + S + M.V who =1. Normal pattern The who is the object of the answer. ex) I saw Paul. S V O[I want to know who is object] Q : Who did you see? (Paul) (I)2. The who in the Question is the Subject of the answer.ex) I Saw Paul.[If my focus is subject] Who saw you(Paul) ? Q : What happened?A :.. UNIT 38 : There is + n + place UNIT 38 : There is + n + place=> something exist in a place.ex) There is a restaurant in this building. UNIT 37 : Order/command/Imperative UNIT 37 : Order/command/Imperative normally = S + V + O Imperative = V + Oex) Eat you balut? advex) Eat Fast. prepositionex) Eat in the cafeteria.* you tell others to do something noun phrase noun phrase Do you think I should learn How to drive . noun phraseDo you think I should invite Scott?phrase => group of words(o)Clause => S+VDo you think I should learn how can I drive. clause Modals = auxiliary verbs that express speaker's attitudes/feelings Modals = auxiliary verbs that express speaker's attitudes/feelings. -necessity.-advise.-permission - may,can-possibility - might.-ability = can,could ex)can couldhad bettermaymightmustought to shallshouldwillwould. modal + O.Vex) I can it (x)I can do it (o)==> Past=> modal + have + P.P= past form of modal verb.(Just same form - different means of present perfect)ex) He might have been at the lib.. UNIT 31 : can you~ UNIT 31 : can you~ Can you ride a ski?Can you play chess?Can you run 10 kilometer?Can you drive a car?Can you ride a horse? I can swim.I can't ride ski.I can play chess.I can't run 10 kilometer.I can drive a car.I can't ride a horse. I like this hotel room, you can see the mountains from the window.You are speaking very quietly I can't hear you.Have you seen my suitcase?I can't find it. Catherin.. UNIT 30 relationship = will =shall UNIT 30 relationship = will =shall ex) might see you tomorrow.Sarah might forget to call.It might snow today.I might be late tonight.Mark might not be here.I might not have time to go out tonight. ex)I might take a trip.I might see Amy Monday.I might have a fish.I might take a taxi.I might buy a new car. ex)He might get up early.He isn't working tomorrow.He might be home tomorrow night.He might .. UNIT 27 : Be going to + O.V UNIT 27 : 1. Be going to + O.V = to express prior plan, or Intension for the future.ex) I'm going to watch a movie tonight. 2. Be going = I'm going to the movies tonight.3. Will = a. to express prediction. b. to express sudden decision/ willingness. ex) a. I will go to the movies tonight. b. Sunny = Roy. I'm going to watch a movie tonight. Roy = I will go with you. "bother -vbother some -adj. ho.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음