영어/Basic Grammar in use (36) 썸네일형 리스트형 Bored vs Boring different means Bored vs Boring different means Teacher is bored. unit 6 : simple present. unit 6 : simple present. Positive : verb (main verb)They read a lot. s v adv Negative : verbs (helping verb, main verb)They don't read a lot. h.v m.v (o.v) Question : verb (helping verb, main verb) Don't they read a lot?h.v m.v Neither , Either singular or plural choose. Neither ~ not be going to or might be going to or might be going to + V(O.V) = plan.ex) I'm going to go to SM tomorrow. I'm going to drink to night. (may be) not sure I might drink tonight. (50% sure) ERROR IDENTIFICATION ERROR IDENTIFICATION I have many toys ex) with Its strong claws and its many protruding tooth(==> teeth), a gopher is an excellent digger. tooth 이빨 하나.teeth 이빨 모두. cloth = fabric = unfinished products. clothes = finished products(pant,shirt)clothes 옷 (항상 복수형으로 쓰면 복수 취급) Plural vs Singular Plural vs Singular Subject = Plural Verb Singularex) Houses create (with s) (no s)Subject = Singular Verb Pluralex) House creates (no s) (with s) listen vs hear listen vs hear listen to + (noun,pronoun) == listen 은 내가 주의를 기울여 듣는 행동이다.ex) I listen to music. her Heard + O(noun,pronoun) = Hear은 주변의 소리가 들리는 것이다.I heard her.I heard music. UNIT 3 : tense Verb : time of the verb. UNIT 3 : tense Verb : time of the verb. 1. Pasta) simple past => verb + ed = regular verb ex) watched,played. irregular verb = chage form eat => ate is => was. b) past continuous. be + V-ing ex) was studying 2. Present a) simple present - regular/general active. be => is,am,were(unit 1, unit 2) do (unit 5) b) present continuous - be + V-ing. 3. future.a) simple future = 1. well + original verb e.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음