영어/Basic Grammar in use (36) 썸네일형 리스트형 UNIT 26 : BE + V-ing UNIT 26 : BE + V-ing = Present continuous. = for future time if + future time expression?ex) I'm studying grammar now = PCex) I'm studying grammar tomorrow morning = I'm going to study. I'm going to SM Today. - plan.I will go to SM Today = sudden decision. I go to SM (o).I go to SM everyday(o).I went to SM today(o) UNIT 22 : passive UNIT 22 : I broke my cellphone = active.S V O(doer of the action) action (receiver of the action) my cellphone was broken. = passive. What happen to the subject ? 1. If we think the object is more import than the subject. => Be + P.P2. We don't know the doer of the action.3. doer is not important. choose is made of milk ride is grown in the Philippine. Future will + be + p.p Phrasal verb The noi.. How long? HW How long? HW HW 5/8 Q : How long have you played bowling?A : I have played bowling for 10 years. Q: How long have you been married?A : I have been married for 11 years. Q : How long have you played the guitar.A : I have played the guitar for 20 years. Q : How long does it take you to eat breakfast>A : I have eaten breakfast for half hour.A : It takes me half and hour. Q : How long have you been .. Present continuous OR Present perfect. Present continuous OR Present perfect. Focus : activity action (on-going)**be V-ing (we are studying now) 8:50 9:15 9:20[--------------------|------------------------] now Present perfect. Focus : situation / condition(stative)**We have studied for a month. Past Present Future(eating) -> [---------------------|-----------] April 17 may 8 June 1 Used to + V(Original verb) Used to + V(Original verb)=> an action use usually do in the past but stopped doing now. simple presentI always eat breakfast. (true now)I used to eat breakfast. (not true now)=>더 낫다. I always ate break fast.repeated action a the past.past situation that no longer exist? I used to live in Korea.I lived in Spain last year.Roy (1-30) live Korea now live Korea.I live(long - permanent)I stay (tempor.. How long does it take to study basic Grammar? How long does it take to study basic Grammar? If I extend How long do i stay more? How different is [Basic and Intermedia]I'm thinking [How log should I extend].I won't have time to study. If I won't finish Basic Grammar There was no on going activity. WHEN or WHILE time ISunny 8:00I study 9:00I was studying Sunny was eating sth. (start)Now I was studying when my room mate ate sth. Whentwo action in the past. 1. happened First(8:00) -- (past continuous)2. happened next (9:00) -- (simple past) ex) I was studying in my room (8:00) when (09:00) my room mate come to our room. whiletwo actions happened at the same time.I was studying(8:00) while my room mate (8:.. PREPOSITION : to connect words. PREPOSITION : to connect words. 1 . v + v (to)2. n+n3. connects words in the sentence. she lives in A plus.s v preposition O adverb(place) she studies English / in A plus / every day s v o preposition O of Prep(o)of = connects = his = possession.ex) the object of the preposition. Roy's bag = the bag of Roy 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음